Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Licorice and Gummy Bears and... Finals

So on Sunday I made a gingerbread house. Or at least... I was going to. I looked around for a gingerbread house kit and NONE WAS TO BE FOUND. Except one for $10 but I'm not going to spend that on gingerbread that nobody eats. So instead I decided to make it out of graham crackers instead!

So I bought one of those store-brands (Like Kirkland) and just ASSUMED that the graham crackers were the size of the normal ones. A rectangle that you break into four other rectangles. Normal right?


Mine were only little squares that break into two rectangles. LAAAME. So I was forced to do more stacking than what was really necessary in order to build a frame to make the house. I was thinking I'd go for a Victorian style... but then I built it too wide at the base. It now looks more like a church... whatever. Makes sense. Gingerbread house... church... they both reference Christianity... Close enough for government work.

So from there I built a spire on the side (which just adds to the church look) and then VERY TENDERLY placed a roof on top.

You should really see the supports for the roof. I'm not joking... the thing is hovering in midair. And it leans downwards on one side.

Props to Der Boifriend for helping me hold that damn roof on straight.

I have learned... nothing. Other than the fact that I want to make a gingerbread house out of crackers again next year that looks like Falling Water. AKA this...
Falling Water House, Frank Lloyd Wright 1930 

Wouldn't that just make an awesome gingerbread house? I BET IT WOULD.

Anyways my favorite treats are licorice and gummy bears. Why? I love black licorice. Ooh no... my hipster is showing. But I love the flavor. It's much cooler than the strawberry flavored ones. And I'm very picky. Australian licorice is GREAT. Never eat the salted stuff.... t'is just bad.

So behind my church I glued two gummy bears face to face with royal icing. Der Boifriend tried to go in for a kiss but we're BOTH sick with DIFFERENT stuff... so it was only a peck on the cheek. Poor Boifriend. He hasn't been kissed on the lips in days. Sorry... but we're sick and I don't want it to last any longer.

Anyways my last final was today. Well... my two finals. One was a very interesting one and the other was take-home internet-is-okay-because-nobody-knows-the-answers-anyway type of test. The interesting one was something like this.

You can either do 50 multiple choice questions (my route), write 2 essays including all this stuff in order for it to incorporate the whole semester's worth of information into one test, or 30 multiple choice questions and 1 essay.

I don't like writing essays but my friend 'Zu does. Apparently... She and I have the same teacher so I tutored her on all the basics of being prepared for this stuff. Not that I'm prepared. But I am good at forcing others to do so. So we gathered at my house and I lent her the book that she needed to pull quotes from (she didn't even have hers for the midterm poor soul...) and started outlining the basic concepts and some information for 4 of the 6 essay possibilities.

See my way of thinking is this. Multiple choice are great for people who don't feel like explaining themselves. They just mark the answer and it's either right or wrong. Essays are great for people who don't know all the details but can concisely develop a concept into an argument in five seconds. Me... I usually go for the first one. It's also much faster so I have more time to doodle in the margins of the Scantron.

Which I've been meaning to say...

(At least for my teacher) I can doodle on the unused areas of the Scantron... even those areas made for bubbling in the answers, and I DON'T GET POINTS OFF.

So I challenge thee... try that on a low-point quiz one day and see if it works for everybody... It might become a fad...

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