Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hobbits and Movies and... Gingerbread?


I've never seen a midnight premier of anything so I'm extra excited! And I'm seeing it with Der Boifriend and some of his siblings and another of my friends so I'm super enthusiastic about staying up REALLY late and then having to go to work the next day. Luckily I don't have work until three so I'm golden~

Anyways I slept in until noon again today. I did this on Monday and now today...

I have a feeling that this isn't good. But it feels so nice to be completely rested that I just can't help sleeping in a couple more hours.... and a few more hours after that...

Oh Gawd I need to stop doing that.

Anyways... THE HOBBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm considering dressing up but only if Der Boifriend dresses up with me... If I dress up with somebody else and we plan it all then it's not so embarrassing. Anywhoozle I will have to make whatever it is I wear... I don't have much fabric either and no time to buy some (since it premiers tomorrow and I have class until four...) ERGH. I shall start now and (if I have time) post up how it goes.

Time to search the internet for free patterns... yay...

Anyways I have to buy a gingerbread house from work so I can decorate it on Sunday... if I don't have work until midnight like it's been usually. Dammit...

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