Thursday, November 29, 2012

Headaches and Books and... Pirate Skulls?

So today was one of those days...

I slept in, napped for two hours after school and then am still tired now...

I blame it on the weather! And the fact that I stayed up until about 1:30am reading a book my friend lent me. IT'S SO GOOD. Oh Em Gee... Hahaha! I can understand the main character/narrator's perspective so well its like it was written for me.

Other than that I've had a headache for a while now. I have a feeling I'm going to have a migrane all month. I have to deal with finals starting soon... (though I only have one class) and then my work decided not to allow us to request time off so we have to change our availability... which is not always checked. And if they don't allow it... I'm going to have to figure out how to get somebody to cover up to five shifts of work... all to go to my grandparents in Santa Barbra and hang out at their house for a couple days and then have Christmas Eve off. 'Cause who doesn't want to spend Christmas Eve chilling by the fire and drinking hot cocoa?

Which I meant to get a recipe for earlier today so my mom and I could make our own but I took a nap instead.

Which most young people think is an 'old' thing to do, but if you have a headache it's one of the BEST things that you can do for it. Seriously. If you have a headache, or get them often, WATER and NAPS are your best friends. Try not to take aspirin and stuff too often. After a while those things won't work as effectively as they did before so you'll have to take more, and then you'll have a massive chance to overdose on an OTC drug.

Hee hee. The OTC dude looks like the OTL man. In my sleepy mind he does. It's just the OTC man is a contortionist and the OTL man is just a normal human being.

Anyways in my art class that I'm taking I just doodled a couple things... nothing special really. But the group that I'm always around makes a HUGE DEAL about whatever I do. I don't know... I guess they're good? Anyways when I get around to taking a picture of the scarf from last time (Here) and then the stuff from this time I'll get to showing you.

I am a procrastinator. Or at least... I will be when I get around to it.

So after my art class my friend happened to be driving by in her car and decided to give me a ride. So I got in and both of the back seats were down. Which is odd but whatever. So I sat inbetween the middle seats and the center console by the driver and shotgun seat in a crouch. And I noticed something.

She'd taken down the drooping ceiling fabric, painted the whole thing black, and turned the roof into a picture of a skull and cross bones with the caption "Dead Men Tell No Tales". Which is perfect for her car.

'Cause it's the Black Pearl.

No joke. It has two decals on either side of the sliding doors, it has a decal on the front (all skull and cross bones) she has a Jack Sparrow Mickey Mouse antenna ball (you know those things...) and she has a pirate hat and a sword that she drives around with. She wears the hat. And when there's a passenger (used to be me before and after school during high school) that person who's riding in the shotgun seat gets to brandish a sword everywhere.

It's quite fun...

So now her car is even more like the Black Pearl. Now I just need to get her a small antenna flag or those ones that Ambassador's cars have... You've probably seen them. The flanking double flags that flutter as you drive. They're great.

Anyways the book is CALLING TO ME. I should get about to reading it... along with the five other books people lent me.

If you have a suggestion for a good book please comment. I'm always looking for something to get off my Kindle. I don't think I use it often enough so now I'm making more excuses to be on it more often.

Now if I could just write my notes for class that'd be golden... I could... but I'd want a keyboard.


1 comment:

  1. Omg yes to the ambassador flags! Haha imagine me trying to park in special places and instead of being like "But I'm an ambassador!" I'd be all "Too bad! I'm a pirate! I do what I want!" I love you
